“Welcome to the home of Veterans Cricket Tasmania”

Ross Recreation Ground. Home of Veterans Cricket Tasmania

Ross Recreation Ground. Home of Veterans Cricket Tasmania

What is Veterans Cricket?

“This web site will provide all the information you need to get started”

Veterans cricket is:

  • about keeping as active as we can for as long as we can and challenging ourselves to do that.

  • being competitive – but not as much as when we were younger.

  • a test of skill – but less than it was because we are, let’s face it, not as able as we once were.

  • about making many new friends and catching up with old friends again and reminding them about how good we once were!

    You can take Vets cricket as seriously and as far as you want and are able. Many players have spent 20 or more years away from the game before resuming their “careers”. Instincts tell our brain to react in certain ways, and our hearts are willing – it’s just that the rest of our body cannot do it quite the way we used to. If we look and feel uncoordinated, even foolish, rest assured, we’re all in the same boat and there’s safety in numbers! The greater the number, the better we all feel, so come and join us! Revive old skills and see how far they take you, get a bit fitter and enjoy yourself with like-minded people while you do it.

    Veterans Cricket Tasmania’s objectives are to foster Veterans Cricket for men and women, to promote participation and healthy competition, social, physical and mental wellbeing, and the Spirit of Cricket. We cater for cricketers of all ability levels, for Women (over 40+) and men (over 40+).

    Are you interested? It all starts with a local club somewhere near you.


    - Several clubs, some entirely Over 50s and some not, play in a State-wide social roster from Marrawah to Bruny Island, from October to late March.

    - Games are normally 40 overs a side, but this can vary, and are played on synthetic or turf pitches, with batting and bowling limits to balance competitiveness with participation.


    Inter-state and Club carnivals

    - Annual National Championships for Women (Over 40) and for Men Over 40, Over 50, Over 55, Over 60, Over 65 and Over 70 are held, usually late October-November-early December, with every State, the ACT and New Zealand represented.

    - There are multiple divisions in each playing group, so the full range of cricketing abilities is catered for.

    - The Championships include social events and special partners’ programmes, often resulting in long-term friendships for players and spouses with other team members and with those from other teams.

    - Tasmania sends teams National Championships so there are excellent opportunities to represent the State at the highest level.

    - Our local Tasmanian clubs also participate in more social carnivals in different parts of Australia.

    International opportunities

    - Australian men’s sides in all age groups have toured overseas regularly since 2011 and more recently participated in “World Cups”. More than a dozen Tasmanians, including one of our Umpires, have earned national representation, so if you’re good enough there is a pathway to the highest level through performances at National Championships.

    - There are also Private Social Tours that provide an opportunity to visit and play in a wide range of international locations around the World.